Folytatom a kis berlini beszámolómat. Hétvégére Nórival városnézést és shoppingolást terveztünk. Németországban sajnos vasárnap nincsenek nyitva a boltok, így szombaton le kellett zavarnunk a vásárló körutat… Délelőtt a belvárosban sétálgattunk az utcákon és ha megpillantottunk egy érdekes design üzletet, akkor betértünk.
Szeretek a helyiekkel beszélgetni, mert ilyenkor előjönnek a szép emlékek, amik Németországhoz fűznek. 11 éves voltam, amikor először töltöttem hosszabb időt nyáron egy német családnál. Visszagondolva csak mosolygok, hogy szinte alig értettem valamit is abból amit próbáltak nekem mondani, és zavaromban mindenre csak azt mondtam, hogy "Ja"… :)
Délutánra hagytuk a bevásárló központokat, ahol igazán kiélhettük a shopping mániánkat. Itt is rátaláltunk a Londonból már jól ismert Primark-ra… :) Ha egyszer betér oda valaki, akkor biztosan több szatyorral jön ki. :) Itt is tartott még a leárazás, ami azt jelentette, hogy majdnem mindent 3 és 5 Euróért vettünk. Maga volt a földi paradicsom, alig tudtam megállni, hogy ne pakoljam bele az egész boltot a kosaramba. Nap végére teljesen lemerültünk és alig vártuk, hogy kipihenhessük ezt a két hosszú napot….
I am continuing my little Berlin report. We planned to go shopping and sightseeing at the weekend with Nóri. Unfortunately, shops in Germany are closed on Sundays so we had to do the shopping part on Saturday... We were walking in the streets in the city centre in the morning and we went into interesting design stores when we spotted them.
I like talking to the locals because a lot of nice memories come back in connection with Germany. I was 11 years old when I first spent a longer period of time in summer at a German family. It is funny to think back that I could hardly understand anything from what they were trying to tell me, I was so embarrassed that I answered "Ja" to everything... :)
Puszi, Festy
I am continuing my little Berlin report. We planned to go shopping and sightseeing at the weekend with Nóri. Unfortunately, shops in Germany are closed on Sundays so we had to do the shopping part on Saturday... We were walking in the streets in the city centre in the morning and we went into interesting design stores when we spotted them.
I like talking to the locals because a lot of nice memories come back in connection with Germany. I was 11 years old when I first spent a longer period of time in summer at a German family. It is funny to think back that I could hardly understand anything from what they were trying to tell me, I was so embarrassed that I answered "Ja" to everything... :)
We left the shopping centres to the afternoon where we could really enjoy our shopping mania. We found a Primark shop here, too, well known from London... :) If you ever enter this shop, you will surely leave with more than one shopping bag. :) The sales were still on which meant that we bought almost everything for 3 or 5 Euros. It was the earthly heaven itself, I could hardly stop myself from putting the whole store into my basket. By the end of the day, we got totally exhausted and couldn't wait to relax after these two long days...
X x
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Sarolta Kávási · 2014.01.24. 18:27:31
Festy 2014.01.25. 16:21:35