02.13. 2012

Festy in Tally Weijl: pastel outfit

Már jó régen írtam Tally-s ruhákról. Elő is szedtem egy régebben befotózott outfit-et. Nagyon tetszett ez az összeállítás. Teljesen magával ragadott a pasztellszínek hangulata, amelyek nőies és lágy kisugárzást kölcsönöznek a viselőjének. Akik nem szoktak feltűnő…

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12.07. 2011

Festy in Tally Weijl: marine-style

I have found some old Tally photos among my pictures. I thought they would be perfect for a new post on the blog. J Dark blue clothes can be well combined with white and red accessories. I rarely wear red shoes, but it really matches this outfit with a red bag. Sailor striped tops came into fashion…

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04.04. 2011

Festy in TALLY WEIJL #4

It has been a while since I last posted about Tally clothes. Spring is here so it is time to take off warm pieces and get out flimsy ones from the wardrobe. Flower-power still continues this year, so we can wear last year’s flower patterned outfits again. Both in spring and summer hats of various…

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11.29. 2010

Tally Weijl Shooting

Tally Weijl fotózásThe day of the competition photo shooting has come. Unfortunately a second name had to be picked so the winner is Adrienn Szaksz:)We selected the clothes and accessories which Adri was wearing during the photo-shooting in the Tally Weijl shop of the Allee shopping centre.We…

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10.01. 2010

Legyél Te októberben a TALLY WEIJL modellje!

Ezt a linket, tedd ki a Facebook üzenőfaladra, így részt veszel sorsoláson, aminek a díja egy fotózás:Styling, fotó és riport készül. Megjelenés a Divatblogon.Sorsolás: október 13. 20:00http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Festy-in-style/110962938925275?ref=tsBe the model of…

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07.15. 2010

Festy in TALLY WEIJL #4

The jeans + leather +checked shirt = western style. And a pocahontas hair style is still inevitable:)))A farmer,+bőr+kockásing=western stílus. Ami még elengedhetetlen egy pocahontas frizura:)))Model: FestyPhoto: Maszat

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06.24. 2010

Festy in TALLY WEIJL #3

This outfit is a real Tally style: a sexy black dress with a pink belt, jolly colour bracelets and a pair of platform shoes. Of course the sunglasses doesn’t jar either with the zebra temples. You can bravely combine black with brighter colours to avoid a gloomy outfit.Ez az összeállítás igazi…

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06.10. 2010

Festy in TALLY WEIJL #2

You can see the second part of the Tally series which was also taken in the Allee department store. Overalls are popular again this summer. It doesn’t matter if they’re long or short. The main thing is that they are comfortable and you feel good wearing them:)A Tally-s sorozat következő…

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06.07. 2010


Our next photo series was taken in Tally Weijl which can be found in the Allee. The shop sells clothes of various styles, so everybody can find the most suitable one. We created different outfits for the photo shooting. Firstly, a wild, sexy leopard print dress is combined with gold.You always have…

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