Meghívást kaptam a Berlin Fashion Week-re! :) Sajnos most nem tudok elmenni rá, mert más terveim vannak, de majd ősszel szeretnék ott lenni. Az egyik kedvenc városom Európában Berlin. Németország olyan, mintha a második otthonom lenne. Többször éltem kint Göttingenben, és ösztöndíjon voltam Karlsruheban a műszaki főiskolán...
I got an invitation to Berlin Fashion Week! :) Unfortunately I cannot go there this time as I have different plans, but I would like to be there in autumn. One of my favourite cities in Europe is Berlin. Germany is like my second home. I have lived in Göttingen more times and I studied at Karlsruhe Technical College with a scholarship...
I got an invitation to Berlin Fashion Week! :) Unfortunately I cannot go there this time as I have different plans, but I would like to be there in autumn. One of my favourite cities in Europe is Berlin. Germany is like my second home. I have lived in Göttingen more times and I studied at Karlsruhe Technical College with a scholarship...
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