08.23. 2011

Lina Tesch Photography

I found Lina’s photos at my Inpiration section. I have already put pictures of her onto my blog. Now I would like to introduce one of her fantastic photo series. When I browsed through Lina’s website, I was amazed by her pictures. For me they have a special atmosphere. I’m sure I’ll show you some more of them in my future posts too.

Az inspirációs rovatomnál találtam rá Lina fotóira. Róla már töltöttem fel képeket a blogra. Most az egyik fantasztikus fotósorozatát szeretném bemutatni. Amikor végignéztem Lina oldalát teljesen magával ragadtak a képei. Számomra van bennünk egy különleges kisugárzás. Még biztos mutatni fogok tőle képeket az elkövetkezendő postjaimban.
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Latidos de moda 2011.08.23. 17:28:05

Lovely photos.
I like your post.
Kisses for you.

Kimberly 2011.08.23. 17:52:38

wow really gorgeous photos! thanks for the comment!


Kiki's Book of Dreams 2011.08.23. 17:58:31

Awesome photo-shoot!
New post!
xoxo Kiki

The PvdH Journal 2011.08.23. 22:25:44

Oh wow they are indeed amazing! Ill go and check out her blog now.



ps following you via bloglovin!

Wida 2011.08.24. 01:19:19

So fairytale-like! I love it!

Missing Amsie Blog

Kel 2011.08.24. 09:25:46

What a stunning shoot. I love the bling.

Lots of love from Sydney,

x Kel

talking all things French

zizi bloom 2011.08.24. 11:41:53

Love your blog!

Follow me if you like my blog and let me know it!I'll follow you back. :)

kukiskuku 2011.08.24. 17:47:07

great post.love the dress.
i'm following your blog now.
please everybody check out my beauty blog.it would mean the world to me. :)

Martyna 2011.08.24. 22:34:12

thanks :)
this session is amazing! I'm totally in love with it


Maryam Maquillage 2011.08.25. 14:43:28

really inspiring photos!!! great blog too :))


Stream 2011.08.25. 19:42:46

Fabulous pics, lovely blog!!


BlueVanilla 2011.08.25. 20:00:54

GORGEOUS photos! Very creative!

Hot Pink Day
Shop Blue Vanilla

MaviDeniz 2011.08.25. 20:34:16

wow, your beautiful! thanks for stopping by my blog :)


Baby Budget Blog 2011.08.29. 20:45:32

Love that gold cascading necklace! Thanks so much for your comment on my blog!!

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