Photo Nagy Teodora
Dress: CAKO
Bag: Coccinelle
Sunglasses: Ray-Ban
Egy héttel ezelőtt egy nagyon izgalmas eseményre kaptam meghívást. She's Mercedes volt a program címe, mely az autómárka nőknek dedikált kezdeményezését takarta. Kimondott célja az volt, hogy megszólítsa a nőket és közelebb hozza hozzájuk a vezetés élményét a Mercedes legmodernebb autóin keresztül. A She’s Mercedes azért jött létre, hogy összekösse, és inspirálja a nőket annak érdekében, hogy a legjobbat hozhassák ki önmagukból.
A programra, mely ezúttal tényleg csak a nőkről szólt, egy vasárnapon, a Driving Camp-ben került sor. Csoportokba osztottak minket, és különböző vezetési feladatokat kaptunk. Nagyon izgalmas volt az összes állomás és profi a szervezés.
Eddig is szerettem vezetni, de ezen a napon kiderült számomra, hogy nem csak szeretek, hanem egyszerűen imádok vezetni, ha ilyen szuper autókban tehetem meg ezt. Fantasztikus élmény volt érezni a lóerőt és a gyorsulást, az adrenalin szinte megszédített.
A cabrio feeling pedig a nap non plus ultrája volt... nincsenek rá szavak...
Köszönöm a Mercedesnek a felejtethetetlen élményt.
A Mercedes következő nagyszabású eseménye a Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Central Europe lesz október 15-16-ig. New York és Milánó után majd közvetítek nektek a blogon a magyar bemutatókról is. Már nagyon várom!
A week ago I got an invitation to a very exciting event. The program’s name was She's Mercedes, which stood for the brand’s initiative for women. It’s main aim was to reach out to women and to bring the experience of driving closer to them through the newest models of Mercedes. The She’s Mercedes was created to connect and inspire women to reach higher.
The program, that in this case was really only about women, was organized on a Sunday at the Driving Camp. We were divided into groups and were provided with various driving tasks. All the stations were interesting and the organising very professional.
I always liked to drive but on this day I realised, that I not only like but love driving, especially when I can do it in super cars like these. It was fantastic to feel the horse powers and the acceleration, the adrenalin quite stunned me.
And I have no words for the cabriolet feeling..the non plus ultra of the day..
I’m very grateful for the unforgettable time for the Mercedes.
The next grand scale event of Mercedes will be the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Central Europe between 15 -16 October. I will broadcast from the Hungarian shows for you after the New York and Milan Fashion Week. I can hardly wait it!
Kisses, Festy
A week ago I got an invitation to a very exciting event. The program’s name was She's Mercedes, which stood for the brand’s initiative for women. It’s main aim was to reach out to women and to bring the experience of driving closer to them through the newest models of Mercedes. The She’s Mercedes was created to connect and inspire women to reach higher.
The program, that in this case was really only about women, was organized on a Sunday at the Driving Camp. We were divided into groups and were provided with various driving tasks. All the stations were interesting and the organising very professional.
I always liked to drive but on this day I realised, that I not only like but love driving, especially when I can do it in super cars like these. It was fantastic to feel the horse powers and the acceleration, the adrenalin quite stunned me.
And I have no words for the cabriolet feeling..the non plus ultra of the day..
I’m very grateful for the unforgettable time for the Mercedes.
The next grand scale event of Mercedes will be the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Central Europe between 15 -16 October. I will broadcast from the Hungarian shows for you after the New York and Milan Fashion Week. I can hardly wait it!
Kisses, Festy
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