Photo by Beauty Junkie
Jacket: Zara
Jeans: Zara
Bag: Coccinelle
Shoes: Mango
Sungalsses: Givenchy
Finally here is the time I’m waiting for all the year: the time of the New York Fashion Week. Last year five of us came together overseas, but this year only Magdi and me started the big journey. We prepared for a real girl trip :). We planned to take long walks in the city, to do some shopping and to discoved cute new places beyond the official programs.
This is my forth time in New York and I’m still as excited than I was at the first time. This city is always full of surprises. You can never know what will happen or who will you meet at the next corner.
The aim of this trip was to take very beautiful photos to be able to channel you the feeling of New York and the Fashion Week. Last year we shot 30 outfits only on me, which is quite an amazing number restrospectively. This time I bought only 10 outfits but I would like to shoot these in a more deliberate way on beautiful and exciting locations.
Finally here is the time I’m waiting for all the year: the time of the New York Fashion Week. Last year five of us came together overseas, but this year only Magdi and me started the big journey. We prepared for a real girl trip :). We planned to take long walks in the city, to do some shopping and to discoved cute new places beyond the official programs.
This is my forth time in New York and I’m still as excited than I was at the first time. This city is always full of surprises. You can never know what will happen or who will you meet at the next corner.
The aim of this trip was to take very beautiful photos to be able to channel you the feeling of New York and the Fashion Week. Last year we shot 30 outfits only on me, which is quite an amazing number restrospectively. This time I bought only 10 outfits but I would like to shoot these in a more deliberate way on beautiful and exciting locations.
Végre eljött az idő, amit egész évben izgatottan várok, a New York Fashion Week. Tavaly öten jöttünk ki a tengerentúlra, viszont idén csak Magdival, ketten vágtunk neki a nagy útnak. Igazi csajos kalandra készültünk. A kötelező programokon kívül sokat mászkálunk a városban, shoppingolunk és kerestük a cuki beülős helyeket.
Most vagyok negyedszer New Yorkban, és még mindig ugyan olyan izgalommal élem meg, mint az első alkalommal. Ez a város mindig tartogat meglepetéseket. Sose lehet tudni, hogy mi fog történni, és éppen kikkel fogunk összefutni.
Ennek az útnak most az a fő mottója, hogy minél szebb és hangulatos képeket készítsünk nektek, hogy minél jobban át tudjuk adni a fashion week és New York hangulatát. Tavaly 30 outfitet fotóztunk be csak nekem, ami visszatekintve egy elképesztő szám volt, most viszont csak 10 szettet hoztam, de azokat most szeretném még alaposabban, és átgondoltabban megörökíteni gyönyörű helyszíneken.
Puszi, Festy
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